An ancient world, with a past of hosting foreign star fairing civilizations, Eytera can best be described as a temperate world; but one that sees near permanent monsoons. And yet, underneath the constant battering of rain and lightning, hides Eytera's more picturesque side. Dense rain forests rise up over the landscape, tucking away seemingly limitless amounts of water in the form of lakes and rivers. As the water flows out from the woodlands, it reveals the planets abundant amount of waterfalls; that break away from the forest line, feed the marshlands, and returns back to the atolls and the high seas. These scenic views have captured the attention of both old and new lifeforms alike.
Jutting out from the landscape, Eytera houses structures of unknown purpose and origin that have played host to numerous visiting space fairing species. And although these space fairing peoples have all abandoned Eytera, the planet is far from vacant. Amphibious creatures, native to the land, can often be seen hopping in and out of the water, or floating in the air; searching for food on land in between the ebb of flow of the many monsoons. But most prefer, and are better adapted, to living in the safer and more predictable waters. Which has allowed them survive on this tempestuous planet for a long, long time. No one knows how many civilizations these species have seen come and go, or how many more they will witness in the future.
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